Who to awaken A1 between Yuta and Toji? ( i love them both)
Friend Code/Friend Invite Code Megathread
3 (lvl 100) vs 1 (lvl 75) S-snake in SS.
A braindead EX comes in the game and they "suddenly" make their whole profile about him.😂
Balanced EX they said 😂😂 I havent even upgraded his skills into lvl 5
I got him but I have a stupid question.
When you just opened the game after 2 days and you see these stages (closed immediately) 🥲😂
OPBR EX Annoyance Chart Part 9 (how annoying out of 10)
My boys looking fresh🥶🥶
To people who refuse to play with a cheater, you're the real MVP
Finally she's here
Is it worth it?
Which set is better for Klaw in this meta?
Yace is Overrated
This was only 1 time thing?
Helmeppo or Klaw?
Code Megathread
[720 Days] 2 years of this journey 👏 (Technically it's been longer tho! 🙊)
Sanji mains please help me!! My Sanji is getting one shoted, what should I do???
You're Biologically incapable of defeating me
OPBR EX Characters ranked by revenue on their initial banners! (Source of Data: Game-i)
Dont help hackers!!!
Why doesnt this Luffy event medal have The four emperors tag if its post onigashima?🤔
Rip my 115 gems