Can woodworking machines be stored in cold/semi-outdoor ?
Cabinet screw broke
All I wanted was to be held and I was told that I was being weird
Butt joints
Manscaping/grooming down there?
Did I just loose my shot?
Table saw sled ideas
My wife wants to buy a house ASAP without including me to the mortgage.
My fiancée admitted she doesn’t find me physically attractive, but still wants to marry me. What do I do?
I have to terminate someone's employment this week
Rubberized cork on vise jaws?
Bath tray I made for my wife. Low angle plane was a life saver on the figured grain
Is this mortgage fraud?
How can I fix this?
Used Jointer
Sending cold emails on Sunday?
Found an absolute disaster of a No 3 for $1
Cost of roofing over the years
Festool Domino alternative l?
My quota is 153% what it was from last year, my OTE is basically the same.
Someone on Facebook is selling these two chests for £1200, am I missing something or is that price insane?
How should we fix this massive firehouse table?
AITA for Expecting to Occasionally Drive a Car I Helped Pay For, but My Girlfriend Says It’s “Hers” Now?
What are some hard truths to know as a man?
Is it normal for so many people to know my exact earnings? Feeling uncomfortable lately.