DL 495 lbs PR (220 kg)
Deadlift 350x5
Power Clean and Jerk (175 lbs)
PR Deadlift 495 lbs (220 kg)
PC&J 79.54 kg
Deadlift PR 495 lbs! (220 kg)
BP 270 x 5 PR
7 weeks in
260 lb Squat
Deadlifting shins
Train to maintain?
Bill starr rehab protocol
First Time Form Check - Squat
140kg Deadlift 88kg bw 5foot 11.5
Those having taken CJC 1295/Ipamorelin stack for a while, any significant change in muscle growth?
Deadlift form check
Any tips and pointers greatly appreciated.
Power Snatch 115 lbs
Squat 3x5 255
Squat PR 380 lbs
515 Squat
Power Clean 170 lbs
Powerclean 77.27 kg x 3
Form check-power clean
How's my squat grip?