A moon dragon watching a disc-rise
Went to assemble a kangaroo set, but I think I got sent cat parts
Books that I remember reading
Beautiful Spinosaurus reconstruction currently in the natural history museum of Kassel, Germany
Blurry picture of a cat
I turned two frog-shaped rocks into what they were meant to be
Asiatischer Marienkäfer
Welches Tier hat mich da gebissen/gekniffen?
How do creatures like terrestrial vertebrates with a body plan consisting of four legs and two wings actually fly?
I Honestly think Undying is the best sigil. Prove Me wrong.
Portrait eines Blattes oder sowas ähnlichem
Name this Irish bird
This rock had a perfect Lambeosaurus-shape, so I did what had to be done
If a theropod dinosaur came back and replaced all falcons, hawks, and eagles, which do you think would be the most chaotic?
Found washed up along the beach
I found a very happy pokemon
Not sure I did good on this piece, but does anyone know how to do tails and hair better?
Interessante Farbvariante
Jackdaw treats
Erstaunlich entspannte Waldeidechse ließ mich ein paar Nahaufnahmen machen
Why do i keep seeing online that dogmeat is in the tv show and that hes a girl now
What's this bug? Found in our bedroom
What's the most alien-looking animal on the planet?
Every new dinosaur from Jurassic Park III put through Google translate 1,000 times
One section of the the vector line can't be simplified. Why?