Devs are so generous! can't wait to get this free Sanhua skin and 1600 astrites on 29 Jan (CN new year)
Turns out aloot of people dont know about wuwa live stream
The shackles of time will finally let us go
Going through old screenshots in my phone and found this forum gem.
Curious on your guys "whats your favorite gacha-character" pick on the survey. Mines Velvet, badass waifu and her comboes will definately be a showstomper
I hired this Zani to stare at you
This is AAA gaming experience
Digital extremes donated 10k to support relief efforts
I tried
Coming Soon: Devstream #184
I understand why people buy these with plat, because my god, this took forever.
What is in your opinion the most annoying grind? Doesn't have to be longest or hardest, just the most annoying.
How it feels like to use “flight” in Rinascita
My friend is a psychopath
First Dev Stream Of 2025 coming
I am having way too much fun with this're telling me i was playing the TUTORIAL ALL THIS TIME?!?!?
Oh, this gadget? You already had it, you just didn't know
Kuro just casually slapping all Rover outfit wanters in the face
One of the best additions to the game IMO
I noticed that during exploration you can actually find playable Characters around Rinascita
Did you know you can interact with the Hex while crouched?
Devs is stalking now
Love the wolves in this game, Kuro, after these in 2.0 we finally need a 4-cost