Kit Reveal: Batcher
GA is just a mess
Is there a way to fix matchmaking in this game at this point?
Ain’t no way I’m gonna beat my opponents teams in GA
Going into the new year, if you aren’t satisfied with your guild, friendly reminder to shop around. It really *is* okay.
Is it worth to omicron padawan obi wan on 1M GP account?
CLS not a Rebel for datacron?!
Finally unlocked my second Hounds tooth…wait a minute..
Why is this even a thing?
Should I go for CLS and then one of the Skywalker triangle OR Executor.
Need help on chewie
Advanced shape stablilizers not working on void boss amorphs? Maybe.
PSA/Advice for anyone struggling with the data disk sets this Conquest
How to beat Malak in conquest
I'm confused about "765874 - Unification" (short film). No hate, but what is the point?
new LSB’s
Next GC feats leaked!
Actually lying to players
Why on earth would they remove the ‘complete the battle’ feat from the GC…?
Episode Currency limited to 30k
Critical Analysis of the New Changes: Yea, It Does Feel Bad - And Yes, It Can Be Fixed
So are we supposed to do more quests and challenges for barely the same rewards?
Open Letter to the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Development Team
Reviews on your app store
Good News, Everyone