I'm finally getting better at hexagone
[Dragon Age Veilguard] Genuinely had a great time with this one. Don't let the haters stop you from playing games.
Customers are wild
New LG65
This event is a massive W. Hopefully they add more game modes to this in the future.
Assassin's Creed Shadows has revealed just how ugly the gaming community is.
PS5: Cant navigate menus or select dialogue options
Oh there’s too much 😭
All I did was showcase I got all achievements in the game and recommended people to make their own opinions and they did not like that. This game honestly has the most hatred and negativity I've ever seen around something.
Shadow Complex
I just got the Hollow Knight platinum and i need more
Do I need to “Grow out of” video games?
All I want to do is play a single player game, that I bought through Steam, offline.
Has anyone have a LG G4 and has also upgraded from the base PS5 and can see a worth while upgrade.
Ps5 pro from Amazon
I want to preface this by saying Insomniac is an amazing studio that produces pure gold.. But I’m struggling with Spider-Man 2.
How's is everyone saving going so far
How many modern consoles do you own? And how do you decide which gets your time
Recommendations for a flight simulator games
Warranty was approved, now they are making me pay for the new headset.
Forgot to put on Deodorant this morning, stopped to pick some up…
My experience switching to Console from PC
Ended up with two Pros and got them both set up.