What book that I own would most likely cry
super depressing country music?
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nonfiction books about space
Music suggestions for feeling hopeless?
nonfiction books for a beginner?
Best game/s to beat in 20 hours-ish?
Looking for extremely depressing music
Are they really that loud live?
how to memorize the chords in a key?
I’m looking for a book that’ll make me bawl my eyes out
How long have the shows been?
question for everyone
non-fiction books about the detriments of advertising?
What was your most emotional “feel good” novel?
Is cyberpunk 2077 worth it without the dlc?
Do you ever have that moment when listening to Swans when you just go...
what should be my last murakami read?
How my favourite author writes his novels :D
Books that have MC with chronic pain?
What do you think is the average age of swans listeners?
Stop reading murakami's books
if i liked the prose of “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” by Ocean Vuong
classy romance book suggestions
What’s is your hottest swans take?