Guys, when does it kick in?
made this cute little teapot and cup, any advice to get better?
painted a teapot as a gift for my husband
¡¿Qué onda con el mini-super?!
What to do in winter?
dealing with depression
I experimented with Psilocybin daily for 6+ months and here is what I learnt
Tall people pants
Who's got an extra ticket for black flag tonight
I hate being so disbelieving
painted my favorite beach spot today
Got so much hate on the regular dreads sub
is it normal for them to unravel at the roots like this?
any flower fields in humboldt?
What are some epiphanies you’ve had on shrooms?
Jazz/Soul music anywhere?
food dehydrator?
I asked and was shown the meaning of life while on Ayahuasca - it wasn’t what i expected and took me years to come to terms with.
adriana lima
Quad hoop things I'm working on
Craziest life altering choice you've made on shrooms
im scared my husband is going to die
First trip in over a year. 15.5 grams of wet APEs which is about 1.5 grams dried.
hello everyone, I've been doing my dreadlocks myself for about 7 months. I sent some pictures to a group and nobody really liked it. what do you think?honestly without hate