Blonde or brunette?
Jaw Exercises and Less Caffeine Really Helped Me
What should I focus on?
Rebecca Black copied Kim?
What was she thinking with this affair?
It's sick that therapy costs so much
I wish we talked more about Ryan. He's one of my favorite predators, definitely my favorite from Takedown.
Millie Bobby Brown says (again) that she would like to play Britney ✨
Tooth sprain recovery - more in comments
“stop using pics from 10 years ago!” okay. here’s a photo from when she was in her “healing era”.
rewatching GND , they're doing their second magazine cover pictorial
Eww, she doesn’t floss everyday 🤢
Is she triggering everyone else?
finally joining this sub because what even is the other one doing
no longer center stage
Has your anxiety ever manifested into physical pain/symptoms that weren’t really there? Or made small pain way worse than it really was?
What body type out of these is the most attractive?
It's funny how when it comes to rating women, it's all about decolonizing beauty and euro-centric beauty standards but none of that applies to men. Truth is most of you are just bitter white men don't want you.
Sinister running up these teeny tiny little stairs, in his saggy, skinny jeans makes cackle.
Performing at Caesar’s Palace this weekend. Girls under 14 get in free when accompanied by NO ONE.
Feel my thumb inside you, baby
Let's Be Real
This hair was honestly so cute
Chat GPT is a better therapist than any that I’ve had
Random musings on Sam