How is SU1 Beta going for you guys? Im amazed by the visuals at this ESSA 09R approach! (Dont mind the late decrabbing and minimuns ahah)
the beautiful nordic sky
The cursed layout
Random screenshots from recent flights!
Created a tribute film for Fenix
Trump team wants ‘regime change’ in UK as Starmer replaces Trudeau as hate figure
I love the new updated A339
Landings on this sim always feel great, but the ATC is really really dumb
Ainda não consigo acreditar... Como é possível? Em que estão a pensar?! Que loucura!!
From TUR to GER with the fucking rudder trim locked at 6.3R (challenge for you: Spot the flying cone)
Hate it or love it this sim has potential
Out of EDDH with the beautiful D-AICH