How often do you eat instant noodles?
Best credit card options for me
Why is there such a big gap in perception between what foreigners and locals think about SG?
Dating Culture in Singapore The First Date Etiquette
Doesn’t want to have kids NOOOOOOOOO!
Company overpaid me and deducted my salary without informing me.
98 triumph packs without a 2⭐️
Day 128 of needing Oak full art in the game
People from the Serangoon Area, especially Serangoon North- How judgemental are you all?
Still no god pack😭
Has Giovanni been powercrept?
Shaymin Sky Support bug?
Can someone explain the point of this card? When would you ever consider using this?
You know what time it is.
New to the game and playing PTCG in general, how does pikachu EX work?
I am honestly asking - are the rates really this terrible? I have opened 20+ packs, have more than half the entire set collected, but I haven't gotten a single 'hit'.
Money or Love? (which will be the One)
Is it realistic to get an Employment Pass in Singapore?
How do locals take job seriously?
How is articuno good?
Why can’t we trade Triumphant Light
Can someone fill me in on what I’m missing? Main screen says clear but then I open it and it looks like I’m missing… something?
Is the new event Gible factually worse?
Is this card good?
Bug Catcher deck