Four Kings tips?
Movies about escaping a hellish environment.
Please suggest some good movies from the 2000s.
Movies you must rewatch
Scary Interesting video on the Coppermine Expedition
Has this sub ever tried to do a watch a "movie of the week"?
Those who refer to gwyndolin as she her, why?
How do I farm souvenir of reprisals??
How old are you guys. Tryna get an average for robocop fans for my project ifykyk
Help with O & S PS5 DS1 Remastered
[PS4] W: Wolf Ring H: Ask
Artorias help PS5
What songs do you feel could be great in a horror movie and are a missed opportunity?
[ng3] [bl 171] Cainhurst castle
What's the most 'extreme' movies you have watched ?
Say 3/4 quotes from your favorite horror actor and see who gets it
What are some of the most frustrating horror movies?
Doll cosplay by me _hecata ph mr.wolf
A quentin tarantino style movie
What do you wish there was more of in horror?
What is your favourite horror movie soundtrack?
Idaho 4 rumors that you feel to be true.
Movies with an ending twist that changes the entire movie
We are Hunters, no matter the age.
Horror films in the woods