Has "flaws"...
What do you think I should get to paint the skull and bones for my freikorps impression
new baby, what should I do next?
Do I look like schlorine?
ww2 USMC Slat girlle
WW2 U.S.M.C. willys mb Slat grille
fuckin hell
is this camo paint?
Man the line p41 jackets?
I'm certain this is the year it happens
Guys do you think I look like him
he is assuming the position
can anyone figure out what run this SMW cover is?
It this a gpw?
Vietnam war medic WIP
opinions on ww2 U.S.M.C. stencil
how should I display this?
Any historical event that you would like Sabaton to make a song about?
Is this an error? (Please don't make this political)
has anyone tried the broson p41s before?
We DO judge
Got my colt