Anybody have luck obtaining an ESA letter online?
Wont connect to internet
how do you handle it??
about to take ~0.5mg 🥶🥶🥶 see you in eiriel ✌️✌️
Is there a place to read u/tiredofpplfaking2 6.9 g trip report?
Camp [redacted] merch sizing
That's no dycj thing S lkcs
Just took some datura, is it similar to dph?
750mg oh dear am i in for it
Sewage smell in apartment
Sort of last minute...nausea advice?
Hippie flip
The new Reef’s menu
Anyone else going to Seattle pride this year?
what kind of hallucinations do u guys get with high doses of molly?
Gifs from my fave feetman100 videos
Jacksepticeye has unfollowed Markiplier!!
Has anyone ever tripped from being treated for allergic reaction?
Sick of seeing ‘why do people do dph posts’
Im going crazy i cant fucking sleep its been 2 nights no sleep im having a really bad panic attack rn i dont think ill ever sleep again
Do mods in here even care?
Obsessed with this moment in footman's recreation vid
So excited to roll at pride this year!