Got frustrated after not packing a TOTY card, decided to throw 450k on a store pack, and still didn't get a TOTY card...
Which of these 2 would you say is a better CB partner for WW Carlos Alberto?
Which of these French beasts would you say is a better card to play next to WW Carlos Alberto?
Need a little help regarding TOTY Evo Star SBC.
Opinion: The 12th man TOTY card should be an SBC.
Am I crazy for doing this despite having IF Dembele and IF Rodrygo in my club? I need an attacking CM more than a RW/ST...
Haven't been following Evo Stars at all. I do have the SBC Varane still and also an Evo'd Ledley King. Who fits best?
What are the odds of TOTY Bale getting a RM++ role?
Any mad lads here have done the KdB SBC?
Reckon the Evo is worth it on him?
Anyone ripping their packs tonight?
Question: Will the TOTY Icons still be in packs when the full TOTY XI is in packs next Friday?
Did 4 Icon picks and got these. What would you do if you were me? Keep going or just take the W and stop?
Last year, the game gave me too many good LWs. This year, it's CMs. In a 4411, which 2 would you run?
What's an ideal amount of coins to bring into TOTY?
What do you think of this team? Finally managed to get all Role++.
Got a full Role++ team for the first time without forcing it.
Unpopular opinion: We should be given the option to choose untradeable (and better) rewards for Rivals, WL and SB.
This trio is so good, they're the only ones instructed to stay back in my all out attack 4411 with 75 depth.
A little confused about the Wingback role. Need clarification.
Underwhelming cards