A dream about hot tea with honey and lemon in the middle of winter.
Vashti scrunging
Moisturizers feel plasticky, sticky, and melt off my skin.
Physical symptoms: have you found any coping mechanisms that helps the heaviness?
Mythical crew member in new Papa John’s ad.
PSA: Don't join Facebook meet groups
Looking for books that will make me think 'what the f*ck???'
A Toast to Womanhood: A Comic Ode to Female Rage
Your relationship with father/brothers?
my first real attempt! i think it turned out pretty good.
About dime-sized. Little Rock, Arkansas
An acorn on Pudgie’s head
Sister wanted to hang out. I get there and she’s asleep the whole time. She gets angry at me for leaving.
First habit to weightloss?
Biscuit from a size 6 women’s flat (4 months) to a size 11 men’s work boot (9 months)
Do you guys buy furniture second hand?
Keeping her ears warm
Zuhair Murad Fall Winter 2024 [736 x 920]
blurry picture of a cat
Stop buying from Amazon
Does anyone know if this specific set can unstack?
Can the logo be removed?
This was enough to scare me into putting my phone down