Our grandmas/great grandmas did not want 10-20 kids....
My dad told us he was having an affair
I’m a stay at home mom and almost 40, has anyone left their husband’s and started over?
I think my libido is fading because of my (27M) poor sexlife with my long term girlfriend (27F)....What can I do?
Why is there such a disconnect between what men want and what women think men want?
How do I (M28) addess insecurities around an anal kink to my wife (F26)?
GF (F23) thinks I’m (M28) ‘weird’ for having a notepad document to track how infrequently we have sex, what am I to do?
Is it possible for me (22F) and my boyfriend (24M) to spend the rest of our lives together if we disagree on sex?
My Gf (F21) wants to break up with my(M22) for taking her virginity. How do I approach this?
My boyfriend could've killed us and I don't know what to do
My (38M) wife (36F) hasn’t initiated sex in over 3 years. I don’t know what to do anymore?
Can’t fathom what my boyfriend just said to me
Afraid I'm not getting another blowjob ever again
Having sex just might be good for your health. Research finds that low sexual frequency is associated with three times increased overall mortality, even after controlling for health and demographic factors.
I honestly couldn't hate these three more [Kill the Villainess]
My (28f) husband (30m) got arrested and won't tell me what for, how do I proceed?
Wife treats sex like a gourmet meal
I've [34M] been slowly letting my relationship with my GF [33F] die, what should I do?
AIO? My 23M boyfriend held me 19F underwater during a bath to prove a point and I’m still shaken
AITA for pinching my husband's nipple as hard as I could?
Shall I dump him by text or straight up ghost
WIBTA if I left my husband over how he treats my kids?
I overheard my father make an offhand remark that I was going to become a prostitute when I was 17.
One of the few truly good things about being an adult.”
AITA for telling my bf he should move out of my house?