Is this alive or dead?
Help! How to get the glue off this? (Swipe for 2nd pic/text has more info)
Please help! How to get this glue off this? (Read text and swipe for 2nd picture)
I don’t have GG yet but I had a question
I (24M) thought had permission from (23F) to touch her. I feel horrible and disgusted
Is this normal?
How uneven do these look? My boyfriend is saying I’m crazy lol.
I tried to do a dark cherry red on my hair but the ends didn’t take and are a shade or 2 darker than the top/roots: if I did this red dye pictured would it make it all the same color? (2nd & 3rd pic are dye colors) plz help!
Best tree mod???
Sending my boy kelvin to heaven 🙏
Will this skin ever return? I just got into this game and I adore this!
What is the story behind your username?
Another “not stairs but”... post
When I was young I stumbled across a random staircase in the middle of the woods, I was only there for what seemed like 10 minutes but I would later find out that I had been gone for 2 hours. What happened to me?
First time house buyers - HOW DO YOU DO THIS?!
Wanting to buy a house…but…how?
Sending my LO to kindergarten at 6 instead of 5...
Old POSTOPIA games?
Thought you guys might appreciate this Harvest Moon board game. I made it this year as a Christmas gift for my friend who got me into the series long ago :) Happy Holidays everyone
DAE randomly start questioning if you actually even love your SO?
Every time I try and play this, it just sits on a black screen and never actually loads up. I have the latest version of dolphin. Any ideas why it’s not working?
Is there a way to add a second town on the PC for Animal Crossing Gamecube. Back in the day to get more fruit/etc you had to have an extra memory card plugged in and you could use the train to go visit another saved town. Is there a way to do that on dolphin for PC? Mess with files or something?
AITA for telling my sister that she is responsible for being a single mom?
AITA for flipping out at a guest and essentially "ruining" a party?
[OC] these tree markers have been incredibly helpful on my island