Investment Opinions
Travel advice for an American
Which color looks best on me? (First is current)
ok, who actually likes beans?
Truck driver father works 60+ hours a week but still finds time to handcraft beautiful handbags for his daughters
Why is the Government sending me money?
Am I the bad apple for teaming up with my grandma and going behind my mom’s back?
AITAH for telling my sister in law I would watch her daughter if she could bring her to me instead of going to her.
Am i the bad apple for kicking my girlfriend out of my house?
If you take a phone call on speaker in a nice restaurant you are TA
Winter clothing (I know it’s been asked heaps)
What’s a small, random thing that made your day better?
WIBTA for not lending my car to my friend who refuses to pay for the gas?
AITBA for kicking a minor out of my house?
Girl in class has been straight up bullying me and I finally got her back after she was showing more than we bargained for but did I go too far..
How do you spend your day off?
What’s your favorite weird food combo that no one else understands?
Why do I self sabotage with junk food?
AITA for not walking my daughter’s friend home?
AITA for telling my husband his parents can’t stay in our 1 bedroom apartment
What are some good books about ... Books? 😆
I wish I knew the story 😆
What food used to taste good to you but now tastes terrible to you?
Do you identify as a Canadian or your province first?
**AITA for refusing to let my sister use my wedding as a gender reveal party?**