Robert Baratheon in Jedha city?
Question that's been bothering me.
the explosion conspiracy Rogue One (spoilers)
So is the Death Star powered by the Force?
Does anyone else think we should have had a more bad ass Krennic? I wrong to feel like this is the best star wars film I've ever seen? It feels dirty but I think it's right.
Star Wars deserves better
Who's CGI was more believable?
Is it just me? (SPOILER)
Why Tarkin may be one of the most important moments in cinema
Spoilers: AT ATs?
{SPOILERS} So let's talk about the (awesome) ending...
French DLC Possibilities
I really dislike that sprinting won't make me stand up from being prone/crouching.
Battlepack allocation.
Dice, you've given us amazing gameplay but it's surrounded by some of the worst menus and UI I've ever seen.
Please EA, don't ignore Fighter Squadron in the next DLC.
The Phat Loot Megathread: Loot posts allowed here
Scuf XBoxOne controller not playing audio through headset.
Crypto Key box rewards
Just bought Elite:Dangerous for Xbox 1. Any tips?
[S5] Post-Premiere Discussion - 5.07 'The Gift'
[Spoilers S4E2/3] If we didn't know who did it
(Spoilers All) What is the most badass line in the series?
[Spoilers All] Who is your favorite/least favorite character in all of the GoT universe?