DoDMERB Completed and Qualified, now what?
A "No" notification?
Festool hose adapter for Bosch dust extractor
Made a mistake in my application, what do I do?
So there is a shortage (according to CVS) of 3 sensors? Was these even reported on in the news or media?
11-2 SKOL! Which looks better? Black on black or natural stained??
Doctor prescribed libre 2. Should I ask for 3?
Made a couple Christmas gifts, can you spot the huge mistake?
Is this cut possible with a router?
I need help choosing a colour
Looking for the perfect present to ignite my husband passion
Any candidates in Georgia heard from Ossoff?
Angled steam knob
Nomination Results
Positive Signs?
Where to park other than the stadium?
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More durable alternative to Altra?
Is it my gait and how do I fix it?
Help me to decide. Baratza ESP vs DF54 vs Eureka zero
My son's ALO Interview Questions
WTF Libre 3?
Missing Barista PID pump controller cable