Taboo con lgbtq
One of the biggest showcase of Serena's selfishness, self-center persona, and how bad of a friend she is
You have made us all proud [Chap 252]
On what season (or even episode) do you think the series has started to take a "darker turn"?
Do you think Robin would have become part of the group if Ted wouldn't have been in love with her?
Would the season 1 episode 1 versions of the characters like or dislike the season 6 episode 10 version of their future selves and why?
Who is this in the series?
Why did you close your eyes, Chuck? 😂
How funny would have this scene been if both of them had drink at this "I have never" 🤣
Ted walked right past Tracy wearing the green dress lol
Por si necesitan apoyo mental a bajo costo o gratuito, acá hay algunas opciones.
Tracy calls Ted the love of her life, would Ted be able to say the same thing?
AITA for bringing up something from eight years ago during an argument with my wife?
[Game] AITA for proposing to my ex during my best friend's big night?
Were Ted and Barney really bros though?
Call Centers contratan para trabajar de casa?
Hate aside, realistically I feel that Lilly is the most human character in the show
¿Alguna vez han rechazado hacer el sin respeto con alguien? ¿Por qué?
Easiest skip for you?
I've never realised before today that Randys beer brand "Wharmpess" sounds like Warm piss
Greg stole Barney’s girlfriend, AND the top spot for Greed. Now which HIMYM character best represents Compassion?
What's your favourite season finale?
Has a credit card debt of thousands of dollars, plans to get pregnant soon, moved into a severely overpriced apartment and then gets mad Marshall wants to keep making a decent amount of money, what did she mean by this?
El “vos”
¿Que tips tienen para una primera cita?