Handtruck for Loadin/Loadout
Vic or Jesse? Who did you sympathize with more on their journey?
If being high on weed makes you hungrier, why are most stoners so lean?
Dsbm recommendations
What are your "10/10 you'll never watch again?"
[GTM] He got a best friend, and his best friend also has a best friend.
The singing narrator
[GTM] Hi, Jack
What movie had you like this?
[GTM] Multiverse of Madness
Wormwitch - The Helm and the Bow (Canada, 2024)
a troubled man meets a woman then is tracked down by thugs
Favorite pic of your pibble
Cowboys who aren't from the wild west
I'm bored. AMA
I tried to make Shoegaze for the first time. Did I do it?
Superheroes referred to by their real name more than their Superhero name
[GTM] [Easy] Always and Forever
Leaf is such an underrated song
(Adorable Trope) "I'm just a goofy li'l guy who also managed to score a totally hot baddy"
My band Faetooth is going on a Southwest tour this March with Iress!
High Point Korean BBQ
A con artist and a vegan cover up a local murder