Anyone else tired of explaining themselves to people all the time
I just want to be loved properly so I stop being so bitter
My ace partner has sex with everyone but not me. Need advice
What do you struggle to understand about allosexuals?
first post on here :P
Movies that should be turned into musicals
No disrespect
Which SWS song would be used for an anime opening?
DAE have insane dreams when taking melatonin supplements
imagine if these two met
Announcement Day 27 - Falling In Reverse - CA, FL
Scott was adorable in season 1
If you could rename the black parade, what would you rename it?
Any other trans guys here that were super feminine before discovering they were trans?
in honor of valentines day, best crackship?
18 [TM4TM] wanting to make friends or fwb :)
Name a band name where everyone is morbidly obese
Songs about beating depression.
I don't trust cis men
Poorly describe a mcr song and let the others guess
Poorly describe a Linkin Park song and let the others guess.
Big if true
Outfit for a party last night
light makeup 4 a bday party :3