Does 'Breaking 100' count on a par 71 course?
Please help Me ID these bad boys
Only $9,000,000 for a condo at the Old Course…
Found today on my hike! Can anyone ID? Found in Hawaii!
I’m at the crossroads: Gina sucks
Is my handicap legit?
My 4 y/o put this “rock” in her lunch box - San Antonio, TX
Section of parking garage collapses in downtown Ottawa | CBC News
What doc do you see for your cannabis card?
Was today the best show since Gina wasn’t there. I think so. 🙌🙌
Another day not breaking 100
How far should my driver go..?
What Club should be added for post drive long distance shots?
Structural Electives for Civil Engineering
ME to structural engineering transition
Paid off my student loans, so I got a whole new set up
A fun update to a Sebas news story 🤓
What is the least American city in the US?
A course only out of your imagination
(UPDATE) Just finished at Oak Quarry. My putting failed me today.
Can I get an opinion on Maltby?
Walk or run 1825 miles in a year for $1,000 a day for life or 3650 miles in a year for $10,000 a day for life
The saddest airline lounge ever: Hawaiian Airlines at Honolulu
Jalapenos at the grocery store don't even taste like jalapenos anymore...