Share your best friend, and tell me why it's your nebelung
I made a mistake :(
AIO if I send these texts to her parents?
Can’t believe I get to live with this beautiful creature
Jasper says hi to all his twins on this thread
Most recent picture you have of your Neb
This b*tch is delu lu
trying not to foster fail
Go on TV then mad people judge you
neb goes to vet
My tattoo artist told me not to use Aquafor!
What’s the best age to spay😣 is it cruel to spay?
What’s up with Bini doing everything with everyone except with his wife, Ari?
Eating restrictions
Terrible Tiger
I'll doodle your cat 😼
Wolfie, ages 1 and 3, pretending that he was not digging in my purse for anything shiny by striking a deliberate pose.
RIP Rumi
Kimberly got married
My first "is this infected or am I overreacting" post!
Chance 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
She knows she's photogenic
Please send healing thoughts!