Any Birthday recommendations?
My first logo for a rebelious, independent student organization
My fiancé gambled away 20k 10 months before our wedding
Login/Logout Question
Any stage acting tips?
30F Communications/Graphic Design
The post-Nanny void
I wouldn't marry an infertile woman.
Winter activities
Puzzle swaps?
He's a really nice cat
Dead Children
To all the Self Taught: How?
Is there anyone who has completely healed from surgery?
Can restaurants not pay you for hours worked if you make “too much” in tips?
Why do waiters/waitresses almost always ask us(my parents and I) if we are on one check?
Contributing to a Roth IRA as a dependent
I hate the whole "environmentally conscious/SAVE THE DOLPHINS UWU" movement and purposely go out of my way to use plastic straws and bags
The blind devotion of pets feels unnatural and creepy
[Serious] Apparently history is not taught the same way around the world. So that begs the question: How does your country/education system teach its students about WW2?
cheating isn't that serious or bad.
Papiyou/Popifashion jacket review
If women should have full autonomy over their bodies, than men should also be able to withdraw from being a father
Fuck it, cobweb bread