Best line of all time
Songs which you think are 'alter egos' of each other?
Why is your child named Space Cowboy?
Is it true that autistic people are expected to die way sooner than neurotypical people?
Top 3 albums?
Evaluating album’s first tracks, middle tracks, and end tracks based on their placement and quality
is it just me who would rather have Taylor Swift (debut) before Reputation? 🫶
Which album do you think executed its intended concept the best? Which was the worst?
Apart from, Boyles, obviously; who do you think had the most accurate interpretation of Holt eating a marshmallow?
Favorite underrated character?
Tied Together With A Smile echo appreciation post
What Taylor song is green?
Do you have a theme when it comes to your personal favorite songs?
Anthology studio album sales update and TTPD passes Debut in total sales
What is your current hyperfixation?
Is anybody else embarrassed about liking childish things
A drawing I made in early 2024 vs. one I made last week!
What was your album ranking roughly a year ago today?
what's your weirdest hyperfixation that you've had?
Drawing Hilda episodes part 2
Ask me a question about Taylor then edit it to make me look ridiculous.
i am triggered because a sub banned me for not beliving my IQ was under 70 and that i had autism
How do you feel during your hyperfixations?
Favorite historical parody?
Did anybody see that movie Tron?