How are yall paying
Fifty 410 experience
6mo Post Op Update
Progressively Worse Swelling?
few hours post op
How long were you numb under your chin area after surgery?
What is the most silliest/trivial thing you hate about RTO
Military Spouses & Return-To-Office
Anyone else respond to the email? I’m worried that I messed up.
sleeping with arm straight up in the air???
Confused About Selling Costs
was it easier or harder than you expected?
Suggestions for Fading my Scar?
Update: 4 weeks Postop
3 days out & nervous 😬
Midwest doctor recs?
Where do your chihuahua(s) sleep?
Super nervous
Update 1wk Postop!
Compression Garment
My family is asking me not to have kids. Should I listen to them?
Does Anyone Else Find Officers Life to be Debilitatingly Lonely?