Haven't played in 2 months giving away most songs or request non shinies and I'll buy for you. Drop your user and what song/artist you want. I prioritise low level ppl only🙏🏻
Leo loves being an uncle 🥰
My mom made a kitty couch!
klaört grabben skaö diska
i’ve got the yips !!!
Guess what is my Achilles’ heel
Why do i never feel satisfied in long term romantic relationships? And why do i change my mind constantly?
Does anyone know where these leg wraps are from?
Would you like a free draw? Pop your question or a yes please into comments and wohoo! I am using the Victorian Tarot.
Is it even worth trying for FX?
The Cauldron is awful
For fun: what would you name him?
What’s your type, and your top three most used emojis?
Suggest me a non-fiction book that is NOT a biography or memoir
figured out how to use reshade yesterday
Suggestions for surreal/dystopian books?
Påverkansoperationer på r/sweden
Is it just me or is it way bigger now than it was before, its growing lmao
Just bought anniversary upgrade, am I stupid?
Is there a way to reset the cauldron without waiting one hour?
LF: All postcards except polar!
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
Currently redesigning my farm and I wanted to share my favourite part so far☺️
Rate my faerie island :p
you must follow high level farms and check them out once in a while, I get a purchase like this almost every day