Joensuu, Finland yesterday evening before the snowfall started, -11°C.
A trickle down Tragedeigh
Blursed selling product.
Is this not a normal amount of makeup to own? Friends and family poke fun that I own a store.
Strange object seen in the sky, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
AIO? My (28M) girlfriend (31F) is angry that I added my mom’s assistant on Facebook after assisting in a medical emergency.
Which Weasley is the most powerful/skilled, and why?
I always pull off the membrane.
From r/tragedeigh: Trebuchet
AIO for telling my gf to respect my mum?
Mitch McConnell's injuries after his recent fall
These pills that I took this morning containing fecal matter from donors.
Why shouldn’t white people?
My (28F) BF (30M) is having some kind of meltdown after finding out my friend's (36F) age
My nougat sticks look like shit
What is your favorite "poor" person meal?
AIO my bf thinks I sabotaged the MAYONNAISE because it was “liquidy”
My (35M) mother's (58M) new fiance wants me to call him 'dad'. He's 24. How do I navigate this?
I can touch my pinky and ring finger to my wrist
Peed my pants. My bf wouldn’t help me
Moms friend "broke his ankle"
adopted at birth
I wanted to share one of my paintings here!
You’re born as a baby but with your brains now. What’s the first thing you say to your mother?
Weird hands