Move gestures above when keyboard open
I need help with this
[DEV] Tasker 6.1.3-beta - Progress Bar Dialog, Change Lockscreen Password/Pin, Quick Setting Tile Long Click Task, trying ADB Wifi and Root for Logcat Entry on Android 13 and more!
Text Expander (Typing Hero) vs Texpand
Logcat event in Tasker, A15, Pixel 9 pro
Can you auto input codes
AutoNotificaion - one app, multiple converstations
Seemingly can't select an application while creating a new profile
AutoNotication/Buzzkill - save original one for replying to?
Pixel 9 Pro XL - unable to connect to car bluetooth, help?
Detecting Services with Tasker - Pixel 9 Pro, A14
[DEV] I'm back! I have a lot to go through before I can get back to the good stuff again... 😰
Autosheets errors after update last night
Auto sheets google sheets
No, Claude Didn't Get Dumber, But As the User Base Increases, the Average IQ of Users Decreases
Android users finally getting the right treatment
Just dropped outta coding bootcamp/software engineer
Hackers exploit Authy API, accessing possibly 30 millions of phone numbers (and device_lock, device_count). Twilio takes action to secure endpoint. Unrelated breach exposes SMS data through unsecured AWS S3 bucket.
How to delete x day files
Some exiting news from Zlibrary
Rewind.AI cost 1.2 USD every single search
Hackintosh installation - does the drive need to be clean?
VirtualSMC efend: @ authenticated restart support is unavailable
long text very slow in some apps