I hate it, why does it look so dead?
Lost on what to do next
What would you do with the space above the TV?
How did that person in your high school die?
You have died and won the reincarnation lottery; you can come back as anything you choose, what would you come back as?
My BF asked me to marry him because of bread.
Is all public transport really stopping at 9/10pm tonight?
Anyone else seeing a crap ton of AI generated America's Got Talent Reels?
I want to see the white squares in the corner of multiple photos be removed.
What style vanity would you label this under?
What's a terrible addiction that no one really mentions?
Songs that say ‘F*ck it all. Burn it down’ for when you’re just done
Where do you practice singing?
If you were to describe your partner in one word, what would it be ?
To those who played Dark Souls 3 first…
What could your parents afford at your age that you can't?
Are they playing Nightcrawlers in Faces of Death tour?
Bad idea to move away when Mum has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s?
I hate AI pictures of scenery!
Are these psychedelic!I was trying to find some today but I’m still scared incase they are incorrect please help! And thanks guys!!! :)
Look alikes?
Best bank for cash deposits Scotland?
What’s the funniest way you’ve injured yourself?
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever overheard in public that you just can't forget?