While searching for my lost cat, I helped reunite another lost cat to her humans after being missing for 2 months. This is a picture of them back together.
What’s the worst lunch you’ve ever seen packed for a kid?
The Leaks: Honest Opinions?
Anybody else feel so conflicted about the Walter ep?
Baby refusing bottle. Any tips?
Placement of Forest headliners on Bonnaroo Lineup
I miss when breastfeeding was peaceful
I am being billed twice for amazon prime (once yearly, and once a month at 14.99). Amazon can't figure out why. Wtf? Anyone else had this happen? This is the second time it has happened for me.
Buying tickets through individual
Reverse cycling & night weaning
EForest hasn't sold out yet
First timer with some questions
When did you stop using a pillow to nurse?
how do y’all deal with this? (men’s treatment to women in gaming spaces)
GA vs Pit for NYC show
I feel bad for dairy cows.
Our pediatrician told me to let my EBF 4 month old, "cry it out". Is this a normal thing DRs say?
Saw this response about new music in other sub
Am I being negligent?
Do you always give Tylenol or Motrin for teething pain?
Stop listening to Instagram posts about Breastfeeding vs formula
When does overnight engorgement go away?
Hasan is losing his mind lol ok
Rage Room in Savage