What was your noob mistake when you started playing TFT?
TIL you can't get the Australia-Hungary Achievement after forming the Tribe Federation
What Side Character Stole the whole Movie with his Performance? Case in Point - Jesse Plemons in Civil War (2024).
В Новосибирске ввели туристический налог, от 100р/сутки.. Реакция.
What are you getting arrested for??
Are there old Russian words that people don’t use anymore?
What is this sensation called in your native language?
Russland meldet massive Drohnenangriffe in Region Moskau
Я думал, меня не удивить, а меня удивили.
Was sind die komischsten Sehenswürdigkeiten Deutschlands?
Физическая подготовка в Сибири
Russian children learn combat tactics at military camp in Siberia
[FRESH] NAV - Rexdale
At how many hours played did you do your first World Conquest? (If at all!)
Olympics basketball is a breath of fresh air
Военные протаранили легковушку в Ростовской области, погиб ребенок
Anthony Edwards seen cheering on Lily Zhang during Women’s Singles Table Tennis at the Paris 2024 Olympics
Марина Овсянникова о жизни в Европе
Russian Germans are moving to Kaliningrad in search of ‘traditional values’
Überbezahlte Witwenrente. Rentenversicherung fordert 6000€.
Wie mit Russlandsdeutschen AfD-Wählern umgehen?
Как перевезти слово "Siblings"? Заметил что в русском нету такого слова.
What do you like about your country? Also, don't forget to add one sentence in your language.
Germany [4] - 0 Scotland - Niclas Füllkrug 68'
Show me your cats resting in cool (or weird) positions
GAME THREAD: Minnesota Timberwolves (2-2) @ Denver Nuggets (2-2) - (May 14, 2024)