Hey so, is this movie emotionally cheating?
If you could add one Pistons player from any era at their prime to this current roster, who would it be?🤔
What song comes to mind
Welcome to the Squad, Javante McCoy!🔥
Pistons additional games have been scheduled following cup elimination
If you had to show someone who's never heard Freddie one song that best captures his essence as an artist, what would you pick?
You don't know what it is
Do you guys use any special “code names” for coke?
Is drake just reaching?
Why is everyone sleeping on this song?
Hot take: Drake sucks.
This is a GPT I use to summarise YouTube videos. Can anyone advise me on a similar GPT?
I fucking love opioids
First video hit 260 views!
How much blow would a cokehead snort if a cokehead could snort blow.
How does coke feel for the first time?
Giveaway! Guess a number between 1-500
Destroy Lonely filmed in altercation with girlfriend
Amazing Bluetooth Update for Android!!
I just snorted 300kg (for americans 4752 granades) of meth, do i look sober? I have my gramas funeral is 7 minutes
Dwight Howard believes that this starting 5 all at their current ages would have beaten the Pistons last year. What do you think?
Who do you believe is your favorite rapper's favorite rapper?
I Can won yesterday. Round 3: Best Lyrical performance by Nas
[REQUEST] Suggest me a movie that would make me cry my eyes out?
What are some of the best prison movies you know?