The war of rohirrm.
Give me some LOTR WiFi names!
Smurfs gotta get a life
Alright time to have a talk !
Cards that used to hurt my soul after seeing them played 😅
Fuck this challenge. Fuck the Psyonix or Epic employee who designed this challenge.
can this cosmetic pack return? i really want the car lol
Is this card too slow?
Ladder is a nutshell
How old are you guys?
Champ is the new GC
Farming advice
Transfer items between Xbox to steam
Someone can explain me how to complete these quests?
My last 50 games...
I received 5 packs after the month ended, i have a question:
Is S5 worth suffering through S4. Halfway through they just have everyone team up?
I proudly achieved legend in both formats this month with homebrew decks.
I can fix her
Looking for competitive games
Is there a game mode without advantages from buying/grinding?
Im getting into league of legends, how do i stop?
Is there a guide for maximizing the FULL collection?
Parking στη Θεσσαλονίκη ένας άθλος.
So we’ve come full circle