Upper body test /rein cosplay
Lower leg movement test (cosplay)
DOOM Marauder cosplay update
Cosplay stilts prototype test
Is vash’s new gun from Trigun Stampede silver or gunmetal grey?
Pistol prop wip
In what way can I improve my paint job ?
Cosplay vs handler size
Reinhardt cosplay suit-up
Reinhardt cosplay height
Balderich cosplay suit-up
Reinhardt Balderich cosplay suit-up
What kind of beach skin would you expect rein to have?
What beach skin would fit Rein best?
Help, how do I make the fingers move properly?
Reinhardt Balderich cosplay pics
Reinhardt Balderich cosplay
Which pic is meme worthy for being solo shattered? (Cosplay)
Reinhardt Balderich cosplay pics came in
Reinhardt Halloween costume
Balderich Reinhardt armor next to my handler
My Reinhardt cosplay next to my handler
Pic of my Balderich armor next to my handler
Corps, corps everywhere.