This nigga failure of a career needs to be studied
I have unfollowed Carti on Spotify
useless worthless washed old deadbeat cant drop one single album and the deadline was a whole year
fun fact: bombs bleed when you shoot them
Security kicks Travis Scott out of his own concert without recognizing him. Moscow, 2014.
Bully Vinyl Update
Every rainbow six siege gamer tag ever
Kanye West Sued for 'Pornographic Gagging' of Model on Video Set
A sketch of the UHC Assassin being carried with reverence by Americans
nettspend has begun his mass ear torture
Coaxed into context not helping your case
Boycott rule
We have to accept that Ye is washed
This page sucks so much ass
WTH is this???
theY might bE
kanye's new album... i'm at a loss for words
This is why Chad was forced to apologize, classic cancellation attempt from the perpetually offended
He is such a self important weirdo
mental health rule
Wtf is the game that Darcy plays
You should move there Chaya and NEVER come back!
Yall shouldnt be joking about the nitrous oxide thing