Hardcore has changed me
As a healer, do you constantly spam heals to keep everyone at 100%?
What streamers on OnlyFangs did you not know before but now you are a fan?
Last Stand as a Mostly Solo Sword-and-board Prot Warrior?
How do you vet party members before a dungeon?
Just go deep prot
I leveled my dwarf warrior to 60 deep prot spec'ed and mostly 1h+shield. Here's what I learned.
Max possible fishing in War Within?
Another potentially dumb question
Getting to Mythic as cheap as possible... what I did
Why all the Munchkin hate?
Sealed Deck: where are all my creatures?
Anyone ever replaced a water pump before?
Need to get back into valve cover after installing new gasket. Do I need to get a whole new gasket or just new bolts? Aluminum cover.
You get 1 million $$ right now. How do you spend it?
Name one change in DF you're happy with and one change you wish they would make. I'll go first...
Why is this arctic, desolate and barren island the richest province in Russia?
First playthrough with Jan Jansen ever and Viconia just said this, I am baffled
Men of 30s & above, what are the life tips/advice that you ll give for the men of 20s ?
New to gold making. How do I prepare for War Within?
What really obvious thing have you only just realized?
Why is there so much negativity on this sub
Any Malian restaurants in NYC?
Was Bill Clinton partially at fault for the 2008 Housing market crash?
Which addons are a must for you?