Downtown Brooklyn
Where was I this October?
Our title charge starts today. Win against Merda and we’re only 10 points off 1st.
[Match Thread] Juventus – Empoli (Serie A)
[H] Paypal/Venmo/Zelle [W] Nordstrom up to $300
Official Weekly Buy/Sell/Trade Thread & B/S/T on Discord
[H]Nordstrom $270.13 [W] PayPal GS 70%
Would you say brown or hazel?
[WTS] Decants from my Collection!! Xerjoff, Louis Vuitton, Le Labo, Bond no 9, Montagne, Electimuss, Alexandria, Ex Nihilo, Goldfield & Banks, ... (decant)
Does Prime grading apply to halal beef or is it up to the butcher’s judgement?
[WTS] Montagne Oud Bois | ~85% | $27 Shipped
WvG November B/S/T Thread!
BST (Buy, Sell, Trade) - Fall 2024
Netflix Premium 4K - 3.50 USD /mo
[H] Netflix 4k UDH 3/4 slots available [W] 3.5$/slot/month
[H] Nintendo Online, Dailywire+, Bentkey, HBO+ Youtube Premium, Paramount+, Sling Orange [W] PayPal, Cashapp, Zelle, Crypto
[H] Paypal/Venmo [W] Paramount +
[H]: Paramount+ (1 profile available), Disney+ (1 profile available) [W]: Venmo, Paypal, Cashapp
[YYMV] Some Chase cards are giving $20 back on online purchases of $200+ at Patagonia
[H] Paypal/Venmo [W] Paramount+ USA (Essential preferred)
[W] Paramount+ USA [H] Paypal/Venmo
It’s time for dark mode icon for US Mobile
[WTS] Louis Vuitton Imagination, L'Immensite, Pacific Chill, City of Stars, Xerjoff Naxos, & Mind Games French Defense (Decant)