A2a release 28 February, A3 30 April.
Scalpers got all the digital cards too...
Drag Race joke on Late Night with Seth Meyers (starts at 27 sec)
The Power of Manifestation: Balancing Belief with Joella
Toxic masculinity
If we’re not taking Hair and Makeup into consideration, who do you really feel should have won the Monopulence Challenge, Arietty or Sam Star?
Official photos, bios, and tribe divisions for 'Survivor 48'
Did anyone else notice during Backrolls that Lana was cosplaying Coco by holding something orange in front of her face? They gave this challenge to the right cast for sure
Naysha responds to comments on YouTube after the latest Roscoe’s video
Am I crazy or does Suzie Toot remind anyone else of Tobias Fünke?
Please support Joella y'all 😢
PTCGP re-releasing Eevee for the 73rd time in 2038
Unprofessional, childish, far too much
Am I the only one that thinks Space-Time Smackdown is a dumb expansion name?
Kennedy’s thoughts for Kori King 💀
I think Michelle’s “change it up” critique is valid
How are we feeling about her run so far?
Judges comments on Joella's look
All Stars S3 premiered on this day seven years ago.
The producers were producing this episode
Wholesome Post - Crystal Envy
Anyone else disappointed by Kori?
97th Oscars, Drag Race Edition
Daya Betty is coming to the Pit Stop tomorrow!
What a selfish thing to do!