I’m losing it again
what if you won't know when you're in hell?
Does anyone know why Katey Sagal only voiced one character compared to the rest of the cast?
What kind of sick, twisted game is this
dragonfly landed on my cigarette before I began smoking it
I am trying to get better really
What kind of turtles can I make with my polymer clay? I ran out of ideas :(
What is falsely seen as a sign of maturity?
Hey lasses, I bought myself a John '63909 android. What are some interesting features of this model I am not aware of?
What made you realize the relationship was over?
Tickets/Rides/Discussion- the Capitol Theater (Port Chester, NY)
Selling 2 Tixs to the NY show on 2/18!
How old are you and what is the biggest problem in your life right now?
Thinking about going to the champagne jam this year, anyone ever been?
Extra tickets for Worcester 10/23
I have two tickets for sale for the MA show tonight! I know it is in an hour but I have them!
2 + 2 x 4 = ?
Who is currently free, but should definitely be put in Prison?
Breakingss Bad’s Car for only 68$? What a steal
What seasoning or condiment takes even the most basic food to the next level?
I got the yarn to finish this baby blanket! So I am back at it again. I still need to figure out how long I am going to make it.
I want to start working out
New to looming but obsessed so far
People of reddit, what is better than sex?