What do you think causes people to be toxic towards their teammates in competitive online games?
Tucson sunrise, difficult to beat 🌵
troublesome customer :(
All Petsmarts should give their Betta fish this small luxury, some green stuff.
Found this vintage in the thrift today
Had a delivery today where the customer said they couldn't tip me as I was handing them their order.
What's a living astronomer you guys can think of right off the top of your head?
What was your "I'm dating a fucking idiot" moment?
I am so tired of these fucking phone numbers
You’re trapped on an island: Choose 2 characters to survive with & why
The Solis family. Thoughts?!
Do you regret who you lost your virginity with? If so why?
I love fish customers!!!!!!!
Is this ok for the trilogy tour
Just a little rant, it’s rough out here.
What is the best Electra Heart song?
Top 25 Marina Outifts of All Time. 20 slots filled! The most upvoted five comments get a place. Last round!!
Out of context Marina lyrics
Sad or sweet to include Petsmart in your wedding?
Junji Ito inspired Mel fanart I've just finished! 🤍🕯
Favourite amon Amarth song?
SIB Super Mario RPG or Pokemon Scarlet?
Is Quebedueax Buick-Gmc trustworthy for a used Japanese car?
I’m calling out the days that my request time off was denied and I don’t feel sorry about it.