I Just Found Out I Was Moved from Marketing to IT—With Zero IT Experience
Rihanna or Tyla?
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Evolution of Yeat's sound, from 'Lil Yeat' in 2017 to now, 'Lyfestyle', in 2024
Still loving the Hiby M300
If Yeat died what would 🫵 do?
Listening to old gear on new gear
Go-to midrange dap in 2025?
Made a Yeat themed kandi bracelet
Grass is green?
Hiby RS2 + HiBy x FAUDIO Ace HiFi IEMs 12mm – Yeat Never Sounded So Crisp! In
I need some recommendations for a nice simple music player.
what we thinkin chat
Can someone help me identify what shoes these are?
Looking for Recommendations on Digital Audio Devices – Need Help Choosing!
Anyone here ever listen to Yeat on a DAP?
yk the ride hits hard when fatë is on
guys I'm in what about my 100$ set :)
Finally got one, so excited
nothing change is the best song ever made
What’s your daily carry device?
Yeat’s all you need
The dream 🫶🏻
Is Timë passed still in yall rotation?
Hate this sub...