Are people with learning disabilities "disabled"?
Does anyone overexaggerate negative situations?
Thinking about officially getting diagnosed.
Is autism considered a learning disability? As in, if we managed to get through school "undetected", we don't "qualify"?
CBD Oil for autistic children
Does Autism affect everything you do in life?
Character Design Old & New
Is it worth a diagnosis?
Something about Jimmy’s choice that I’m not seeing anyone mention…
Have you or is it normal for your parent(s) so seriously doubt that you have autism?
Does anyone else play music in their mind?
Games with maps/geography
Friend gave me a 7-day timeout for talking about my special interest too much
Good High Quality Brand Recs
Charizard is here!!!
What do you look forward to?
Why/When were images made not allowed in this sub?
What’s a special interest you have that gets hated on, even by other autistic people?
How did you all know you where on the spectrum
Did anyone else’s sensitivities get more intense after unmasking?
Finding a job
What scent smells best on a man?
Is it weird I'm attracted to Autistic people as far as for a relationship?
Why is this so relatable???