What classifies a CEDH Deck?
My Masterpiece collection so far.
2nd Foundations CBB pull…
am i cooked
Where do I get more normal arrows?
The Flow of Calamity
Am I a bad person if I sometimes 'manipulate' people just so I can exit uncomfortable or unstable situations?
I wish for an arcade game that requires souls instead of quarters
New Player, 2 questions about dual lands
Thunderblight Ganon
Weird EDHrec "Staple" Cards
20 packs of CMM at 6$ a pop great hits!!
You should be playing Thraben Charm
Opponent refuses to play against my deck because it’s not CEDH (After losing to it)
Which Rule 0 rules sounded reasonable at first, but came back to bite you later?
How many fetches/shocklands?
Favorite "Win From Hand" Strategies That Aren’t True Combos?
Thougts on these teachers??
Opened a box of Double Masters 2020, pretty happy with the results.
Don’t rope because you’re not drawing land
Quick Drawover. I miss chandra, fiery goddess of vengeance. Not angsty motorbike teen.
Madlad gasliting himself
Already used my luck for the year
The most bullshit card I have rn