What are things that you think make someone unlikeable?
Is everyone actually flossing their teeth everyday?
Have you ever taken on a bully senior momma at work, and how did it end?
Hangover meals
Agree or disagree?
What's the creepiest display of intelligence you've seen by another human?
Tripped over my seat while trying to flirt with a girl
It’s gone too far! Fucking COFFEE is now being locked up! Safeway San Pablo & 40th
What does my preference in men say about me?
Lonely people of Reddit, what do you do when you feel an overwhelming urge to cuddle with someone, to feel human touch, to have real physical connection, but there’s no one around just you?
I like boring people
What does my preference of men say about me?
how are we intervening when we spot a fellow bwt being harassed on the street?
What is the most tragic celebrity death?
For anyone who forgave a cheating partner, how’d it turn out?
What was the scariest city you’ve ever been to?
What villain would you bone if you got the chance?
Do you open subway doors for people?
I made a Hayley Williams inspired bracelet ✨️
How is everyone in NYC affording Canada Goose?
The song lyric that haunts me the most
25F - NYC men "dont see us working out long term"
What TV show has/had the best theme song?
Maybe I'm too high strung