Legion Pro 7i - micro stutters in every game & bad frame pacing.
PSA: bottle shops are closed tomorrow
My observations after living in Perth for four months
Recommendations for brothels/similar services?
New Laptop Screen
Looking for a game on the switch akin
Rear plastic removal
What other camera (non Leica) do you shoot with?
Car dealership trade-ins
Colour choice regrets?
Worth the damn wait!💛
Traded an M10-P for M9-P!
White = best color ⚪️
First manual. Picked it up last night
Joined the club on Monday. 2023 Core, Supersonic Red. 2500 KMs
Does GR Corolla get attention?
Has anybody received their x16 r2 yet?
Question about Alienware X16
Alienware X16 r2 review
Screen bleed on the new x16 r2
Whistling fan noise on the new x16 r2?
X16 r2 screen bleed continues?
X16 r2 battery life?
Just received my m18 R1 & the backlight bleed…
M18 R1 1% Lows Issue